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Golf Article Of The Month
Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
The following tips have been gleaned from various sources over the years. We hope you enjoy them.
Warm up and stretch your muscles before you tee off. If you have ever been to a live pro golf event you will notice that the golfers don't just arrive at the course and immediately head to the tee box. Instead they go to the driving range, stretch for awhile and then hit some balls. It is a fact that when your muscles are warmed up they perform better and in turn positively influence your golf swing. So try to arrive at the golf course a few minutes early to loosen up and take a few swings.
Teeing the ball higher will aid in hitting the ball farther. By teeing the ball higher, it will help achieve better launch angle and reduce backspin at impact. This will allow the ball to be hit on the up-swing - producing more carry and distance.
During set up, start with your front foot in line with the ball, to give it more loft. In addition, shift your front hip slightly higher than your rear hip, and shift your front shoulder slightly lower than your rear shoulder. When you go for your backswing, you should shift your weight backward. This will give your swing more power.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great beginners golf training aid or a great golf driver today!
Golf Snippets
Golf Putters
When starting the downswing the shoulders should be passive, allowing the forward motion of the legs to pull the right shoulder down and forward, squaring the shoulders to the target line at impact. If the shoulders have moved into an open position (facing to the left of the target) prior to impact, the clubhead will travel outside-to-inside of the target line. This brings the clubhead over the ball promoting an over the top move.
To learn more go to golf equipment
Golf Putting Aids
To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
For more information go to golf equipment
Golf Training Aids
Assuming that you have a driver with enough loft, here are four things that you can do to increase launch and decrease spin rate, thus increasing your distance off the tee:
To learn more go to golf equipment
Hybrid Golf Clubs
To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
To learn more go to golf
More Golf News
Fix Your Slice and Golf Better
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 13:10:46 -0600
Allow me to rehash one of your most painful memories. You get a call at the office. It's your boss Jim's secretary, and she has some good news. Jim has heard from a few of your fellow cohorts that you like to go golfing on the weekends. He has decided to take you out to the course to get to know you a little better (and perhaps talk about a promotion!). Fast forward a few days, its 9:00 AM Saturday morning, and you are at the first tee, staring at your ball, driver in hand, your boss is behind you, and you are shaking like a leaf.
What is Moment of Inertia (MOI) and How Does It Affect Your Golf?
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:11:08 -0600
The latest buzz word in golf equipment manufacturing is "Moment of Inertia" or MOI for short. But what exactly is it and how does it affect your golf?
Golf Travel Cases, Perfect For Travel Bugs
Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:47:05 -0600
Whenever we travel, we always carry enough cases for all our items, be it for shoes, clothes or other materials. This is probably why there are cases for every possible tool, game, and sports articles. So, when a person who is interested in sports, especially golf, they look forward to protecting their golf clubs.
How To Shoot Lower Golf Scores Quickly
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:11:59 -0500
Learning how to play golf can be a great challenge. Discover some handy tips and advice that may help you to develop into a lower handicap player.
How to Pick a Good Golf Gift
Tue, 04 Mar 2008 13:43:10 -0600
Every had trouble picking that perfect gift for your golfer? Read here how to find that perfect golf gift.
Golf Swing Tip - Dress In Your Sunday Best to Stay Connected
Tue, 04 Mar 2008 16:10:56 -0600
This easy golf swing drill can be done in the comfort of your home or your office. In this golf swing drill, we focus on you making a consistent back swing for more power and accuracy.
Carry Or Roll? Which New Titleist DT Golf Ball Is Right For You
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:12:19 -0500
Titleist has just introduced it's 2 new DT brand of golf balls. With different characteristics, how should you choose?
Used Golf Clubs, Practice Till Perfect
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:25:00 -0600
For someone who has just seen the game on TV, and never played, it might get overwhelming when they want into a sports good store. There will be walls covered with golf clubs, drivers and other accessories. They will not be able to decide which they want, or what is the best pick to help them get going on the sport. For such people, it is best to pick up a set of used golf clubs to start off with.
golf putting aids
golf wedges
golf bags

Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
The following tips have been gleaned from various sources over the years. We hope you enjoy them.
Warm up and stretch your muscles before you tee off. If you have ever been to a live pro golf event you will notice that the golfers don't just arrive at the course and immediately head to the tee box. Instead they go to the driving range, stretch for awhile and then hit some balls. It is a fact that when your muscles are warmed up they perform better and in turn positively influence your golf swing. So try to arrive at the golf course a few minutes early to loosen up and take a few swings.
Teeing the ball higher will aid in hitting the ball farther. By teeing the ball higher, it will help achieve better launch angle and reduce backspin at impact. This will allow the ball to be hit on the up-swing - producing more carry and distance.
During set up, start with your front foot in line with the ball, to give it more loft. In addition, shift your front hip slightly higher than your rear hip, and shift your front shoulder slightly lower than your rear shoulder. When you go for your backswing, you should shift your weight backward. This will give your swing more power.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great beginners golf training aid or a great golf driver today!
Golf Snippets
Golf Putters
When starting the downswing the shoulders should be passive, allowing the forward motion of the legs to pull the right shoulder down and forward, squaring the shoulders to the target line at impact. If the shoulders have moved into an open position (facing to the left of the target) prior to impact, the clubhead will travel outside-to-inside of the target line. This brings the clubhead over the ball promoting an over the top move.
To learn more go to golf equipment
Golf Putting Aids
To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
For more information go to golf equipment
Golf Training Aids
Assuming that you have a driver with enough loft, here are four things that you can do to increase launch and decrease spin rate, thus increasing your distance off the tee:
To learn more go to golf equipment
Hybrid Golf Clubs
To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
To learn more go to golf
More Golf News
Fix Your Slice and Golf Better
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 13:10:46 -0600
Allow me to rehash one of your most painful memories. You get a call at the office. It's your boss Jim's secretary, and she has some good news. Jim has heard from a few of your fellow cohorts that you like to go golfing on the weekends. He has decided to take you out to the course to get to know you a little better (and perhaps talk about a promotion!). Fast forward a few days, its 9:00 AM Saturday morning, and you are at the first tee, staring at your ball, driver in hand, your boss is behind you, and you are shaking like a leaf.
What is Moment of Inertia (MOI) and How Does It Affect Your Golf?
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:11:08 -0600
The latest buzz word in golf equipment manufacturing is "Moment of Inertia" or MOI for short. But what exactly is it and how does it affect your golf?
Golf Travel Cases, Perfect For Travel Bugs
Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:47:05 -0600
Whenever we travel, we always carry enough cases for all our items, be it for shoes, clothes or other materials. This is probably why there are cases for every possible tool, game, and sports articles. So, when a person who is interested in sports, especially golf, they look forward to protecting their golf clubs.
How To Shoot Lower Golf Scores Quickly
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:11:59 -0500
Learning how to play golf can be a great challenge. Discover some handy tips and advice that may help you to develop into a lower handicap player.
How to Pick a Good Golf Gift
Tue, 04 Mar 2008 13:43:10 -0600
Every had trouble picking that perfect gift for your golfer? Read here how to find that perfect golf gift.
Golf Swing Tip - Dress In Your Sunday Best to Stay Connected
Tue, 04 Mar 2008 16:10:56 -0600
This easy golf swing drill can be done in the comfort of your home or your office. In this golf swing drill, we focus on you making a consistent back swing for more power and accuracy.
Carry Or Roll? Which New Titleist DT Golf Ball Is Right For You
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:12:19 -0500
Titleist has just introduced it's 2 new DT brand of golf balls. With different characteristics, how should you choose?
Used Golf Clubs, Practice Till Perfect
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:25:00 -0600
For someone who has just seen the game on TV, and never played, it might get overwhelming when they want into a sports good store. There will be walls covered with golf clubs, drivers and other accessories. They will not be able to decide which they want, or what is the best pick to help them get going on the sport. For such people, it is best to pick up a set of used golf clubs to start off with.
golf putting aids
golf wedges
golf bags
Labels: golf club | hybrid golf clubs